Probiotics May Lower Your Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke


-Recent research shows beneficial gut bacteria, known as probiotics, help lower blood pressure and can reduce your risk of both heart attacks and stroke
-Metabolites produced by certain gut microbes have been linked to an increased risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and early death. Even among those with traditional risk factors, having low metabolite counts appear to protect against clot-related events. Probiotics help lower these metabolites
-People who consume probiotics on a regular basis tend to have lower blood pressure than those who do not consume probiotics
-Fecal samples reveal agricultural antibiotics fed to chickens and cows have the ability to adversely impact your gut microbiome when these foods are consumed
-CAFO chicken appears to be the worst, in terms of upsetting your gut microbiome with residual antibiotics, and have been linked to the rapid rise in drug-resistant urinary tract infections

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