Our scientific contribution about Covid-19

“COVID-19: hemoglobin, iron and hipoxia beyond inflammation. A narrative review”

Dr.A. Cavezzi – Dr.E. Troiani – Prof.S. Corrao

Find the article at this link (PDF open access)


NUTRAGE is a scientific and cultural association, dedicated to the study, research and education in the fields of longevity medicine, nutrition and nutraceuticals in healthy aging.
The Association is a non-profit organization and brings together professionals engaged in the field of healthy aging medicine and more generally of longevity and epigenetics, metabolic disorders, chronic degenerative diseases (cardiovascular, neurological, autoimmune etc.), as well as in the field of aesthetics, sport and fitness.
NUTRAGE promotes a continuous exchange of information, knowledge and experience regarding the prevention and care of the effects of senescence, based on the potentials of nutrition, nutraceuticals and related methods.
Through our website, a true platform for mutual exchange and mutual cultural enrichment between partners and practitioners, the Association promotes its various initiatives and scientific productions, but also the dissemination of material available to the international scientific community, on the subjects as to above.

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