By joining the Association Nutrage, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of some benefits and become an integral part of cultural growth and of cultural events on Nutrition and Nutraceuticals, Medicine on Longevity and wellness.

Benefits include:

  • Access to a restricted area where scientific and literature files and videos will be accessible to Nutrage members, who will be regularly updated on various cultural events/initiatives.
  • Enrollment to the private mailing list with receipt of newsletters and useful communications for members.
  • Possibility to participate free of charge or at discounted rates at all events that Nutrage organizes, with special discounted hotel rates.
  • Interact with the various experts who contribute to Nutrage scientific-educational life.

After filling in the form below and sending it to our email address , you will receive an email to formalize your subscription(including username and password for the reserved area)

The annual membership fee as ordinary member is 40 euros.

The annual membership fee as an honorary member is on offer from 50 euros.

The payment for registration can be made by bank transfer to:
Ubi Banca Group, Porto d’Ascoli (AP)
IBAN IT61K0311124400000000000140
N. account: 00000140

Headed to:

or by credit card at the following link

I, under the terms of Legislative Decree 196/2003, authorize the NUTRAGE Cultural Science Association to use the above personal data for internal use only and prohibit the misuse of any kind.
I also attach the following information on the processing of personal data: pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Privacy Code) the information and data provided by you in the framework of the services offered will be processed in accordance with the above mentioned provisions and the confidentiality requirements that inspire the activity of the ” Association, which is the owner of the treatment of the same data. For the processing of personal data, we mean any operation concerning the collection, storage and use of the data.

According to the rules of the Code, the treatments will be based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness and transparency and the protection of its confidentiality and rights. According to art. 13 of the Code, the transfer of the personal data indicated in the registration form as mandatory is required to join NUTRAGE. The collected data will be processed solely for the purposes set out in the Articles of Association. At any time you can exercise all the rights indicated in Article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, in particular the deletion, rectification or integration of the data. Such rights may be exercised by sending an email or letter.